Carbon And Its Compounds 

Atomic number of carbon -6.

It could gain 4 electrons forming C4- Anion, but it would be difficult for the nucleus to hold 6 protons to hold on to ten electrons.

It could lose for electrons forming c4+cation ,but would require a large amount of energy to remove four electrons.

Therefore , in order to overcome this problem, carbon shares its valence electrons with other atoms of carbon or with atoms of other elements. These shared electrons belong to the outermost shells of both atoms and in this way , both atoms attain the nearest noble gas configuration . This type of bonding is called covalent Bonding.


Carbon And Its Compounds
Carbon And Its Compounds 

Information of Hydrogen Molecule ( H2):

1. Formation Of Hydrogen Molecule -

Need 1 more electron to till K-shell completely . two H-atoms share their electrons to form a Hydrogen molecule , also it will attain nearest noble gas configuration. that is helium.

2. Formation of chlorine Molecule -

Need 1 more electron in outermost shell to complete octet.

3. Formation of Oxygen Molecule -

Need 2 more electron to complete octet  and attain Noble gas configuration.

4. Formation of Nitrogen Molecule -

Need 3 more electrons to complete octet and achieve noble gas configuration.

5. Formation Of Methane -

Methane also called marsh gas, used as a fuel and a major component of CNG (compressed Natural Gas) and Bio-gas.