Internal structure of monocot stem 

1. Epidermis -

Multicellular pairs are present and less stomata are present.

2. Hypodermis -

Made up of sclerenchyma.

In monocot se hypodermis is rigid and provide mechanical support while in dicots elasticity of stem is more.

3. Ground Tissue -

Entire mass of parenchyma cells next to hypodermis and extending to the centre is called ground tissue.

Ground to see is not differentiated into epidermis, cortex and pericycle.

4. Vascular Bundle -

Vascular bundles are conjoint collateral and closed. ( Cambium Absent )

Peripheral vascular bundles are small in size and more in number.

Central vascular bundles are large in size and less in number.

5. Pith -

It is an differentiated into a monocot stem.

Q-1. Difference between dicot and monocot stem ?

Ans. Dicot stem -

Multicellular hairs are present called trichomes.

In dicots hypodermis is made up of collenchyma cells.

Vascular bundles are open type.

Pith is well developed and differentiated.

Concentric arrangement is absent.

Single layered epidermis with thick cuticle.

Secondary growth occurs due to formation of lateral meristem.

Always solid.

Bundle sheath absent.

No cavity in vascular bundle.

Monocoat Stem -

Multicellular hairs are absent.

In monocots hypodermis is made up of sclerenchyma cells.

Vascular bundles are of closed type.

Pith is undifferentiated.

The different tissues are arranged in concentric fashion.

Single layered epidermis with thin cuticle.

Secondary growth is generally absent.

Solid or Hollow.

Bundle sheath present.

A protoxylem cavity present.

Q. 2 Difference between dicot and monocot root ?

Ans. Dicot Root -

Number of xylem bundles for more than 6 except - onion (2-6)

Pith is large and well developed.

It does not undergo for any secondary root.

Pericycle produces only lateral roots.

Xylem vessels are oval or rounded.

Conjunctive tissues mostly sclerenchymatous sometimes parenchymatous.

The connective tissue is sclerenchymatous so it does not produce vascular cambium.

Monocot Root -

Xylem and phloem are equal in number. (2-6).

Pith is small / (less developed) absent.

It undergo for secondary root.

pericycle give rise to lateral roots, cork cambium and part of vascular cambium.

Xylem vessels angular or phygonal in transverse section.

Conjunctive tissue parenchymatous.

The parenchymatous connective tissue forms vascular cambium.